so why audacious reign?


it kind of just popped into my head. Audacious Reign Designs was originally Audaciously Creative but my best friend, Kiki, was like nah sis, you can do better. we brainstormed for like 10 minutes,and i was like, “I GOT IT”!

part 1: a u d a c i o u s
so i’m sure you’re wondering why “audacious” well that happens to be part of my linename. for those of you who don’t know, i am a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. a linename is the name you receive when you are initiated into the sorority. when i first received my linename, i had no clue what “audacious”meant. i’m a huge nerd,and i love learning new words. so i hit up google and learned:

Audacious (adj.)
extremely bold or daring; recklessly brave; fearless:
extremely original; without restriction to prior ideas; highly inventive: lively
remember these words: bold,fearless, original

part 2: r e i g n
growing up, i struggled with being brave and fearless and assertive. i was shy and timid. however, when i accepted Jesus into my life, i started embracing a confidence that i never felt before. he’s taught me my worth and purpose. he fearlessly + recklessly loves us all!

*rewind back to 2011

i competed in a state business plan competition in high school, and i was sooooo scared and nervous! (anyone else sweat at the thought of oral presentations? )this scripture from 1 Timothy popped into my head before i presented my business plan. this scripture changed my perspective in life and is the foundation of my business.

2 Timothy 1:7

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

every time i speak that truth over my fear, my doubts and insecurities flee! because of God, i won FIRST place in the state for my business plan. won’t He do it ?!

remember these words: power and love

if you don’t already know, my name is Raina. hi friend, nice to me you lol. so growing up i always got teased with “rain” jokes.... how mature right. maybe i’ll share some of those jokes in another blog lol. anyway, Raina in Spanish is queen. reign and rain and homophones...once again I’m a nerd so don’t judge. it’s a fun play on words, but there’s such a deeper meaning!

part 3: a u d a c i o u s r e i g n
when you put all those words ,characteristics, and truths together you get fearless,power,love,bold, and original. sounds pretty regal and God given right?

i feel like God spoke Audacious Reign to me. my confidence in Christ has made me realize that i am a child of the one true King. i am royalty, and i have an inheritance in His kingdom. God’s truth of boldness and my royal worth is literally in my name. I am Audacious Rain(a).

Audacious Reign Designs is more than pretty lettering and cute handmade goods. it’s God’s truth and how He sees us. we don’t have to live in fear or doubt or insecurities. we are called and chosen to live and reign audaciously.

can i get an amen? i want to share the love and power i have found in Christ with y’all. lettering and crafting are gifts that God has given me, so i will use them for His glory. i pray that God continues to work through me so that i can bless you, your family, and friends and you, in turn, can do the exact same for others. i pray God speaks to you and leads you to live a more audacious life. Bold. Fearless. Original.

if you're looking to elevate your wardrobe, home, event, or life through pretty letters and audacious design, you've come to the right place, friend! be a Bold Babe.


fun fact: my high school business was the true beginning of audacious reign designs, but back then i focused on just painting canvases. 


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