5 Tips for Spending More Time with God
i love these tips. wanna know why? i had to hit the reset button and follow them recently. this world has a way of distracting you from what matters most. but that’s not an excuse. just like how he prioritized us on the cross, we should pick up our cross daily and put him and his will first. all the Father wants is to know us and for us to know him and share that with others.
from rightfromtheheart.org
Jesus regularly demonstrated the importance of spending time alone with God. Whether it was getting up early to start His day with prayer, or going to His Father in the midst of incredible stress and uncertainty –Jesus believed in the importance of putting His Father first. And if Jesus did it, so should we. But, where do we start?
1.PRIORITIZE: If tomorrow you had an important meeting with your boss, wouldn’t you make every effort to show-up? So why do we regularly ignore or postpone our appointments with God? Is it because we are too busy, easily distracted or maybe just lazy? Ask God to give you a desire to show up and meet with Him.
2.TIME & PLACE: For Jesus, the time was in the morning before the day even got underway. Choose a place that is quiet and free from distraction: maybe an office, study, or bedroom.
3.PLAN: Choose a devotional guide to get started. Think of it like a spiritual warm-up – to help you focus.
4.PRAY: Prayer is simply pouring our hearts out to God.
5.LISTEN: Are you listening? Or simply doing all the talking?